The Church On The Internet!

Coti for short
Is brought to you by MaryAnne
For the purpose of Fellowship
Training of the Saints
Spiritual Growth
Preaching of the Truth
Wholeness of Heart
To Get to Know Jesus
To be Intimate with Father God
And to flow with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit
In Your life!

Our Vision
We are a gathering of prophetic and apostolic people who are totally devoted to the love of God and the unity of His church.
Church on the Internet is founded on the word of God.....not the interpretation of man, but by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Church on the Internet is committed to the healing of hearts and the release of Gods' people to go out and live the gospel while preaching it, and demonstrating the love of Jesus, and thereby bringing in the lost to the Kingdom of God.

A Word
"There are many who are searching
To be accepted and loved
by those who know me
Many who are searching
To become all that I have
Destined in their lives
So I have found ways
Which are not ordinary
But truly out of the ordinary
To touch your hearts
And lives
With My love in abundance
So bring to Me
Through those who know Me
Your cares
Your burdens
Your hearts and lives
For there is love to be found
And Healing can be yours
Just let go
Trust in the ways that I bring
to you
My Heart of love...
In these super-natural
Miraculous times!"

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The River is the name of Coti...please join!

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